About the Mission

Western New York's farming community employs many Spanish-speaking workers, both seasonally and year-round.  Some live year-round and raise their families in the area, and some seasonally travel to the area for work during the summer and fall harvest seasons.  This presents a unique opportunity to share the Gospel with Spanish-speaking workers and their families, some of whom would have little opportunity back home to hear the Gospel.  God has shaped the Fils to be able to share the hope of Christ by serving the unique needs of these families and building long-term relationships.          

Get to Know the Fils

Felix and Kristin met while serving in the same region of the Dominican Republic in 2014.   Kristin worked as a teacher at a Christian School, while Felix worked with Score International, hosting and translating for mission teams and doing outreach and discipleship to local law enforcement and firefighters.  Marrying in 2016, they continued their ministry roles in the DR.  Through several circumstances, God moved them here to Western New York, where Kristin was born and raised.  Both Kristin and Felix understand what it is like to live in another culture than the one you were raised in and naturally connect with those facing the same challenges here.  For them, reaching local Spanish speakers is a natural extension of sharing the Gospel with their neighbors.